7 Top Examples of Successful Email Marketing Campaigns To Get Inspired

Mail Manager
4 min readNov 9, 2021

Email can be an effective promotion technique for the high-value content you create on your website. You can use email marketing to stay top of mind while providing the educational content that is most relevant to them. Now, how do you do that?

This is where Email campaigns come into the scene!

Email campaign is a powerful medium between your company and your audience. They help not only to increase sales but build your brand image. Below we listed some objectives you can achieve by sending email marketing campaigns.

What is an email campaign?

An email campaign is a string of marketing efforts that reaches multiple recipients at once. It is a set of planned and coordinated individual email messages distributed with the motive of accomplishing a specific goal for any organization.

Email campaigns are designed to reach out to subscribers at the best time and provide valuable content and relevant offers. This allows you to build deep and trusting relationships with your customers.

Successful Email Marketing Campaigns


Uber’s email campaign is very simple, yet elegant. The appeal of Uber’s emails is in the simplicity of their newsletters. The text is usually very short with a clear CTA, which is perfect for subscribers who don’t have a lot of time and just skim through.

All of its communications and marketing assets tell the brand’s story and brand consistency is one tactic Uber nailed to gain brand loyalty. Uber always sends different promotions and provides an amazing map of your rides, with a detailed map of your journey.


Dropbox has found a way to make its “come back to us!” email cute and funny, thanks to a pair of whimsical cartoons and an emoticon.

Plus, the email was kept short and sweet, to emphasize the message that Dropbox didn’t want to intrude — it just wants to remind the recipient that the brand exists, and why it could be helpful. When sending these types of emails, you might include an incentive for recipients to come back to using your service, like a limited-time coupon.

It uses the Dropbox logo in a way that’s creative and unique to demonstrate its product as a solution.


Even if you’re not a subscriber, you probably recognize the name BuzzFeed. The newsletter became one of BuzzFeed’s top sources of traffic. They create awesome content with subject lines and previews that make you immediately open that email! Their core belief is writing for people makes your content more humanized.


Starbucks frequently sends promotions. They send emails at least once every two or three days, each with a different type of promotion.

Give people a good reason to engage with your emails! Well, as Starbucks does. They know how to make you buy that half-off frappuccino! Starbucks has two main email lists and each of these lists sends an automated welcome email.


Their email campaign looks good. The design has everything you want — fresh colours and clear design, a clear objective, and a minimalistic copy. They are doing a great job of keeping their emails very pointed with a clear CTA. In every letter, you will get guides to different cities. Like recently it was about Barcelona with its secret beaches and local places.

At the end of the year, Airbnb also sends a summary roundup email, allowing you to reminisce about your past trips.


Litmus is another great example of animation being used to create a more engaging email marketing design. Unlike static text, the swipe motion used to provide recipients with a look “under the hood” of their email tool is eye-catching and urges you to take a deeper plunge into the content. The header also does an excellent job of explicitly stating what this email is about. The animation is subtle, and it’s executed in a way that serves to enhance the email’s body copy.


The subject line of this email from beauty product subscription service Birchbox gets many clicks.

The discount codes are a bonus promo for Rent the Runway, a dress rental company that likely fits the interest profile of most Birchbox customers which certainly didn’t disappoint. That also states a great co-marketing partnership. It gained her attention and delivered some unexpected delight.

Concluding Words:

There are indeed amazing email campaign examples out there that can fuel you with ideas instantly. If you need help with designing one for you, MailGaze can create and automate such an email template from scratch based on your business needs.



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